Potato inventory storage Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software:

Potato inventory storage Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software manages potato deliveries, potato inventory long term storage for minimum potato waste and maximum potato inventory traceability.

Potato inventory storage Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software:

Potato inventory storage Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software manages potato deliveries, potato inventory long term storage for minimum potato waste and maximum potato inventory traceability.
Potato inventory storage Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software
Potato inventory storage Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software for accurate order filling & production
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We’re talking about potatoes. This root vegetable has a pretty long shelf life, and even longer when stored properly. The key is to store potatoes in a cool dry place, like in the cabinet of a pantry, in a paper bag or cardboard box. It’s important to keep potatoes at the cool, ideal temperature (but not, surprisingly, the fridge) to prevent them from turning green, getting soft spots, or pre-maturely sprouting. Once this happens, it’s a sign that they’re past their peak. But we’ll get into all of that ahead a little later. For now, learn about the conditions that cause potatoes to ripen and how to prep them for long term storage.

The Science Behind The Spuds
Though potatoes are certainly, well, cut off upon harvest, they continue to breathe (spooky, right?) and, in a way, live on the shelves of grocery stores and in your home. As oxygen from the environment combines with the sugars in patats, it gets respired from the roots as carbon dioxide and water. Storing potatoes in a cool, dark (but not forgotten) place hugely decelerates this inevitable decomposition, protects against sprouting, and, to some degree, sweetens the tubers.

It’s also important not to store potatoes and onions together. Though they seem like two peas in a pod as they’re often both called for in the exact same recipes. However, storing them both together actually does more harm than good. Both of these root veggies contain a lot of moisture, which can lead to faster spoilage. Combined, they produce an ethylene gas that will speed up the ripening process. Instead, keep them apart in an area that has good air circulation to maintain their long shelf life.

Potato inventory storage Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software
Potato inventory storage Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software manages food safety

How To Store Potatoes
Although you shouldn’t put potatoes in the fridge, potatoes will still keep the longest when stored in a cool, dark place—specifically somewhere that has a cold temperature of about 50°F and 90 to 95 percent humidity, like, you know, a temperature- and humidity-controlled root cellar. You know the one that’s right next to your massive wine cellar? So just toss them down there, along with your turnips, onions, and carrots, and call it a day. They’ll be good for weeks, if not all winter long.

Oh wait, I don’t have a root cellar (do you?). Have no fear: Here are four of our best storage tips—root cellar not required—for happy, sweet, and dry taters.

1. Keep Them Out Of The Sunlight (But Not Out Of Sight).
Don’t store potatoes out in the open on the countertop. Keep them in a drawer, in a basket, in a closet, in a paper bag, or in a bamboo vegetable steamer—anywhere that's dark—and they should last for one to 2 weeks. A clear plastic bag, like that kind that potatoes are packaged in, are actually not ideal for storing spuds. Potatoes are plants, after all. If they see sunlight, they will do their photosynthesis thing and turn green, and eventually wrinkle and rot.

And remember, out of sight, out of mind—keep them in a trafficked-enough part of the pantry so you don’t forget about them.

2. Make Sure They Still Have Airflow
Either transfer your potatoes to a paper or mesh bag, like the Five Two Organic Cotton Reusable Produce Bags or a well-ventilated container. (They will be releasing carbon dioxide and water in the form of vapor, so things can get a little too damp.) If you’d like to keep them in the plastic bag they came in, make sure it’s well-perforated and that the top isn't tightly sealed.

3. Don’t Store Them Next To Your Onions
We touched on this earlier, but let’s get into the nitty gritty. It’s tempting to toss both your potatoes and onions together in a basket in your pantry and be done with it—after all, they both like to be stored basically the same way. But resist temptation, because keeping them together (along with potatoes and avocados, potatoes and bananas, and potatoes and apples) might encourage your potatoes to sprout.

4. Avoid Warm Spots
Even if you don't have a cooler storage location than your kitchen, take care to avoid the warmest spots in the room: Don’t store your potatoes next to the oven, under the sink, or on top of the fridge.