Custom Meat Processing Software Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software:

Custom Meat Processing Software Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software for slaughter and harvest, cut and pack, sales and shipping. Custom Meat Processing Software for grind, hamburger, sausage value adding processes.  Custom meat processing software for hog, beef, bison, poultry, goat, seafood.

Custom Meat Processing Software Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software:

Custom Meat Processing Software Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software for slaughter and harvest, cut and pack, sales and shipping. Custom Meat Processing Software for grind, hamburger, sausage value adding processes.
Custom Meat Processing Software
Custom Meat Processing Software Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software for meat value adding
View Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software Specifications.

Custom meat processing software:  A custom slaughter facility is a slaughter facility that does not have a state or federal inspector on duty, which means that the meats from these facilities are not considered state- or federally-inspected meats. These establishments ARE regularly inspected (by the state) for overall sanitation, but the animals themselves are not inspected for disease.

Custom slaughter operations are typically thought to process deer meat for hunters, but they offer services for people who want any animal slaughtered or processed for their own personal use. The meat is cut, packaged, and labeled “not for sale.” These meats are returned to the owner of the animal (who may have bought it from the farmer just before slaughter) and cannot be sold. People who buy “freezer” or “locker” meat from farmers, by buying a live animal, typically arrange for slaughter and processing to be done at a custom facility.

Custom Meat Processing Software
Custom Meat Processing Software Fresh Produce Inventory Traceability Software for meat value adding

Custom meat processing software:   Custom Processing
We offer custom processing for Beef, Pork and Lamb. Processing instructions are to be submitted online from the website by the day the animals arrive at our facility. If you have questions, please feel free to email or call—we’re happy to assist! We offer processing of custom beef by the quarter, half and whole. Please note: mixed quarters (also known as divided sides) will have a standard cut. You will select the size of roasts you would like, the number of steaks you would like per package and the size of your ground beef packages.